Cipher Skin’s Sensor Mesh: A Unique Technology Opening Up a World of Possibilities
Sleep Monitoring: When "Good Enough" Isn't Good Enough Sleep tracking gadgets are increasingly popular - smartphones, watches, rings, bed strips, you name it. Everything will monitor your sleep. But...
Cipher Skin BioSleeve and Digital Mirror Vastly Improves the SEBT Nobody likes to get injured. For most of us, it means pain, inconvenience, and a decrease in our ability to do the activities that we...
Cipher Skin Knee BioSleeve: A Revolutionary Tool for Athlete Recovery Leveraging Cipher Skin’s cutting-edge sensor technology, Cipher Skin Knee BioSleeve is a smart compression sleeve that enables...
Distinguishing Between Pain and Suffering to Safely Explore Our Physical Limits The 40% limit When it comes to human performance, the ultimate ceiling of what you are capable almost unimaginably...
Measuring Movement Quality: Why Does It Matter Most? Let’s say you have a student in elementary school, young Timothy Von Shackleford Jr. Timmy for short.
Crucial Data for Ultimate Performance Under Fatigue In our second article about “Measuring Movement Quality”, we talked about how there is no single correct way to perform a movement, whether it’s an...
Measuring Movement Quality: The Importance of Predicting Athletes’ Transition from Distal to Proximal Stability As explained in our first article about “Measuring Movement Quality”, there is no...
Measuring Movement Quality One of the trickiest things about the effort to measure movement quality is that there is no single “right” way to accomplish a physical task, even for the same person....
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